MPs speak out on Christian café case

MPs have spoken of their “concern” about a case involving a Christian who was wrongly told displaying Bible verses on a TV screen was a breach of public order laws.

The MPs, ten at present, also call on Home Secretary Theresa May to work with senior police officers to stop a repeat of the incident which involved Christian café owner Jamie Murray.

Mr Murray has since received a partial apology. The police have apologised for the manner of the investigation, but not the fact of it. With the support of The Christian Institute, he intends to lodge a formal complaint.


The MPs also note that it is not the first occasion that Lancashire Police have “sparked such a controversy following an incident in 2005 that resulted in an out of court settlement”.

They refer to the case of Joe and Helen Roberts, a Christian couple also from Lancashire who were interrogated by police after complaining about their local council’s promotion of homosexuality.

The couple were questioned for an hour and 20 minutes after they asked the council if they could display Christian literature in register offices.


MPs from Labour, the Conservatives and the DUP call on the Chief Constable of Lancashire Police to “ensure that all police officers in Lancashire Constabulary are properly trained in public order legislation”.

Earlier this month former Conservative Minister Ann Widdecombe also hit out at Lancashire Police, asking: “Does the Chief Constable of Lancashire want to ban the Bible itself?

“After all that is the logic of his position if what his force is doing meets with his approval.”