More parents rail against LGBT issues being taught in primary schools

Growing numbers of parents are taking a stand against moves to impose lessons on LGBT issues on primary school children.

Parents at seven primary schools in Greater Manchester have contacted school management to complain about proposed LGBT lessons.

It follows several schools in Birmingham suspending LGBT programmes until a resolution can be reached with parents who say they are “promoting LGBT ways of life”.

‘Significant issue’

The Government intends to introduce compulsory Relationships Education at primary school level from 2020, which will teach children as young as five about “different types” of families.

Some parents at William Hulme Grammar School in Whalley Range contacted the school to discuss the changes proposed by the Government, while parents at Acacias Community Primary School in Burnage have requested a meeting.

The assistant headteacher at Acacias said, “a significant issue with our parents seems to be linked to LGBT”.

Respecting parents

The Christian Institute’s Education Officer John Denning said respecting parents is “essential”.

“The protests reflect the lack of confidence parents have that schools are observing the proper boundaries of their role.

“The law is clear that teachers must respect the range of views amongst parents and not undermine them with one-sided propaganda.”

“It is being justified by claiming that it is required by the Equality Act, but the Act is explicit that it does not apply to the school curriculum.”


Another school facing a parents’ protest is Anderton Park primary school in Birmingham, which is an Educate & Celebrate ‘best practice’ school.

Educate & Celebrate is a radical group which promotes the use of the book and video Jamie: A Transgender Cinderella Story, which suggests to girls with an interest in engineering that they are in fact boys.

Mr Denning added that the group “deliberately confuses sexual and non-sexual relationships and showcases student work that advocates radical political views”.

Mr Denning concluded: “Teaching must be balanced and objective, but Educate & Celebrate and the No Outsiders scheme are neither.”