Maya Forstater awarded 100k after losing job for challenging trans ideology

Maya Forstater, who lost her job for defending the reality of biological sex, has been awarded more than £100,000 in compensation.

In 2019, the then tax consultant’s contract was not renewed after she tweeted that biology determines whether people are male or female. During the legal battle, judges declared her gender-critical beliefs to be protected under the Equality Act 2010 and found that she suffered “direct discrimination” and “victimisation” by her employer.

An Employment Tribunal has now ruled that the Centre for Global Development (CGD) publicly compared Forstater’s beliefs to “bigotry”, used “oppressive or high-handed conduct” during the court battle and violated employment law. As a result, it has been ordered to pay her a total of £106,404 in compensation.

‘Routine abuse’

Welcoming the ruling, Forstater said: “My case has exposed institutionalised discrimination against, and the routine abuse and smearing of, people with perfectly ordinary beliefs about the material reality of sex.”

Although the judgment provides her with “some measure of closure and vindication”, she said the case has greatly affected her family.

“Seeing their mother smeared as a bigot and a potential harasser across international media is something that my sons should never have had to experience.”

In response, a spokesman for her former employer stated: “CGD has and will continue to strive to maintain a workplace that is welcoming, safe, and inclusive to all. The resolution of this case will allow us once again to focus exclusively on our mission: reducing global poverty and inequality through economic research that drives better policy and practice.”

Biological sex

Last month, MPs across the political spectrum urged the Government to restrict the term “sex” in the Equality Act 2010 to biological sex.

The fiercely contended Westminster Hall debate was triggered by two opposing petitions – each attracting over 100,000 signatures – on whether the law should be reformed in support of sex-based rights.

Forstater, who is now the Executive Director of Sex Matters, told The Christian Institute: “We think that the only reading of the Equality Act that is consistent with the European Convention on Human Rights is one which maintains biological sex as a clear protected characteristic.”

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