Magazine aimed at teenage girls encourages abortion

Teenage lifestyle magazine Teen Vogue has come under fire after research found it has published more than 60 pro-abortion articles online since the start of the year.

The Media Research Center (MRC), which investigates media bias in the USA, examined Teen Vogue’s published material and also found there were no articles mentioning adoption.

MRC slammed the magazine’s pro-abortion bias, calling it “obsessed”.


In an article, MRC said: “Teen magazines targeting young women are no longer about make-up application, fashion tips or crushes. No, they’ve now found a more lucrative topic: abortion.”

They state that in 2017 Teen Vogue has already published at least 63 articles either presenting abortion in a positive light or treating restrictions on abortion as negative.

It also found many articles promoting Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion provider in the US.


Teen Vogue was fiercely criticised last month after it published a glib article suggesting present ideas for teenagers to buy for friends who have recently had an abortion.

Ideas included a ‘girl power’ cap, an adult colouring book featuring a pro-abortion Supreme Court judge, and a brooch of a swearing uterus.

The article specifically recommends the brooch, as the proceeds benefit abortion giant Planned Parenthood adding that “they need all the support we can give em”.


Students For Life of America slammed the article in a video response, saying “the language and flippant tone is appalling”.

In the video, 16-year-old Autumn said that as a teenager, the article was aimed at her and that she felt compelled to respond.

She said: “This article made light of a heart-wrenching issue. Trivialising abortion doesn’t do anyone any good. Joking about it is incredibly offensive to all involved.”


“No matter what stance you have on abortion, it should never be treated with such nonchalance as this piece did”, she added.

She emphasised that Teen Vogue is sending the wrong message to teenagers, saying, “no wonder our culture has become so desensitised to the idea of taking the life of a baby”.

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