Liverpool Uni lecturers told to ‘problematise heteronormativity’

The University of Liverpool has pushed history lecturers to hold seminars “problematising heteronormativity”.

In the History Curriculum Diversity Audit given to staff, the draft guidance criticises a lack of “queer history” and challenges the assumption that most people are heterosexual.

The guidelines told staff that it “essential” to make seminars “safe spaces”, as topics such as race and gender can be “emotional” and “challenging” for students.


An anonymous lecturer at the university told The Daily Telegraph that the guidance is the “wrong way to approach history.”

He explained: “Historians should have the freedom to teach what they believe is true rather than having an agreed ideology that you’re not supposed to question.”

Director of the Committee for Academic Freedom Dr Edward Skidelsky agreed, emphasising that universities “should not impose controversial ideological positions on their members”.

A University of Liverpool spokesman stated that when a final framework is agreed, it “will be a useful and important guide for staff in the development of their modules and, as always, colleagues will retain full academic freedom in how this is best applied.”

Critical Theory

Last year, The Christian Institute launched a suite of resources for church leaders to understand and confront the dangers of Critical Theory (CT) – the lethal blend of postmodernism and Marxist ideology behind ‘woke activism’ and ‘cancel culture’.

In a booklet titled Critical Theory: Challenging Truth and Reality, author and conference speaker Dr Sharon James explains how CT’s assumption that there is no transcendent God leads to an all-out assault on reality.

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