Library pulls ‘trans-glorifying’ display after public outrage

A pro-trans exhibition has been removed from a Norwich library due to public outrage.

Council Leader Kay Mason Billig instructed staff at the city’s Millennium Library to remove the display after people complained it was promoting radical transgender ideology.

Staged by LGBT activists to promote Trans Visibility Day, cabinets displayed a poster promoting double mastectomies, items glorifying sex-swap drugs, and controversial artwork.


One critic said: “The exhibition contains explicit content which is targeted blatantly at children, at a place where they go to read, learn, and develop a love of books – and not swallow harmful propaganda.”

Another commented: “The library is no longer safe for families if as soon as you enter you have a cabinet display glorifying trans ideology.”

Sarah Walker, a member of the Norwich Women’s Rights Group, accused the library of “promoting self-mutilation under the banner of trans joy”.

Responding to public concerns, Cllr Billig said: “As soon as it came to my attention, I alerted senior staff and it was removed immediately. I apologise if anyone was offended but thank you very much for alerting us.”

Growing opposition

New research has shown that Britons are increasingly opposed to legal ‘sex swaps’ and transgender ideology.

The 2024 British Social Attitudes survey reveals that twice as many are now against allowing those who claim to be transgender to change their sex on their birth certificate as in 2019.

There has also been a rise in those who say trans rights have “gone too far”, from 33 per cent in 2021 to 47 per cent in 2023.

Last year, an Ipsos’ LGBT+ Pride survey found that UK support for pro-trans measures is among the lowest in the world.

Also see:


Science Museum reinstates ‘insidious’ pro-trans exhibition

Costa Coffee angers customers by ‘glamourising’ trans surgery

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