Jayne Ozanne: ‘Repentance unnecessary for salvation’

Prominent LGBT activist Jayne Ozanne has claimed that repentance is not central to the Gospel.

The former member of the Church of England General Synod, who describes herself as a “gay evangelical” Christian, argued that “if repentance is not a salvation matter” then the church doesn’t need to uphold biblical sexual ethics.

Writing in an attempt to debunk FIEC National Director John Stevens’ Premier Christianity article “Why sex outside marriage is a salvation issue”, Ozanne said she wanted to share the “good news” that repentance is not ‘central to our salvation’.


In his article, Stevens explained: “It is important to be clear that it is not sexual sin that disqualifies people from the kingdom of God, but the failure to repent and to receive the forgiveness Christ offers.

“To continue to live in sin, proudly refusing to repent, is a sure sign that a person is not in the kingdom. This is true not just for sexual sin, but other sins which are equally contrary to the clearly revealed will of God.”

He added: “To allow people to think that they can enjoy forgiveness and the gift of eternal life while continuing in sexual sin is not loving. As Ozanne makes clear, this is not simply about homosexuality but all sex outside marriage.”

I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Luke 5:32

Conversion therapy

Earlier this year, Ozanne accused parents of being “the problem” when it comes to dealing with their gender-confused children.

As a leading UK proponent of banning so-called conversion therapy, she made the shocking remarks in an interview with the pro-LGBT theology ‘The Gathering Podcast’. Ozanne told the podcast her “biggest concern” is that “religious practices” such as prayer will not be covered by the Government’s proposed conversion practices Bill.

The prominent LGBT activist has previously described affirming the Bible’s teaching on sexual morality as “homophobia” and demanded that “gentle, non-coercive prayer” falls within the scope of a new anti-conversion law.

Humanists UK has also claimed that practices such as confession, fasting, declarations of faith and “attendance on religious courses” could also cause “direct harm” to LGBT people and should be forbidden.

I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Luke 5:32
Also see:

Anglican bishops: ‘CofE is walking away from the life-transforming grace of Christ’

Top KC says Lib Dem ‘conversion therapy’ Bill threatens fundamental freedoms

United Methodist Church losing hundreds more US churches over sexual ethics

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