Ireland’s Health Minister celebrates more abortion services endangering the unborn

The Irish Government’s Health Minister has demonstrated his support for abortion by welcoming the expansion of services across the country.

Stephen Donnelly TD said there was a 55 per cent increase in the number of hospitals providing abortions in 2023, while the last two maternity hospitals are expected to perform abortions up to twelve weeks’ gestation by the end of this year.

Donnelly was providing an update on implementing recommendations made by barrister Marie O’Shea, who recently reviewed the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018. The Act repealed the Republic’s pro-life laws but retained some legal safeguards for the unborn. O’Shea pushed for increased abortion access and claimed that in some instances, hospitals should be able to screen out doctors who conscientiously object to abortion.


Donnelly reported that an additional 20 community providers started providing abortions during the last twelve months. Following changes first introduced in the coronavirus pandemic, women are now permanently allowed to attend only a single in-person consultation instead of two.

Health Service Executive data reported earlier this year indicated that GPs made 9,218 claims for “Combined termination procedure and aftercare” between January and November 2023, almost 23 per cent more than the year before. The figures do not cover abortions performed in hospitals, which could take the overall number to more than 10,000.

The Christian Institute’s Acting Director Ciarán Kelly stated: “The simple fact is that if you make something easier, then more people will do it. Abortion is not ‘good healthcare’ for women and it kills unborn babies.

“Instead of celebrating harm done to women and their children, the Irish Government should be defending the most vulnerable in society.”

Censorship zones

Last month, the Irish Parliament approved a Bill banning pro-life witness outside abortion centres.

The Health (Termination of Pregnancy) (Safe Access Zones) Bill was approved by the Seanad and had already completed all stages in the Dáil.

The legislation bans any pro-life presence within 100 metres of facilities where abortion services are provided, including abortion centres, women’s health clinics, and GP surgeries.

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