‘Health policy emergency’ as Ireland aborts over 10,000 babies

The number of abortions in Ireland reached a record high last year, according to the latest figures.

The Department of Health reported that 10,033 abortions were carried out in 2023, 23 per cent more than the previous year. The majority (98 per cent) were performed before twelve weeks, while 129 babies were aborted because doctors thought they were ‘likely to die’. Just 28 abortions were performed to prevent a risk to life or “serious harm” to the mother’s health.

Overall, abortions have rocketed by 250 per cent since the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018 repealed the Republic’s pro-life laws five years ago.


Carol Nolan TD urged the Government to treat the “epidemic of loss” as a “health policy emergency” in light of annually increasing numbers.

Sandra Parda of the Life Institute said: “Instead of acting as cheerleaders for abortion, and even considering liberalising the law even further, the government needs to realise that the abortion rate must now be treated as an emergency that urgently needs full attention.”

But Health Minister Stephen Donnelly recently demonstrated his support for abortion by welcoming a 55 per cent increase in the number of hospitals providing abortions in 2023.

Censorship zones

Earlier this year, President Michael D Higgins signed into law a Bill banning pro-life witness outside abortion centres.

The Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services) (Safe Access Zones) Act 2024 bans any pro-life presence within 100 metres of facilities where abortion services are provided, including abortion centres, women’s health clinics, and GP surgeries.

The legislation was opposed by Senators Mullen and Keogan, who moved several amendments to improve it, but these were all rejected by the Seanad.

Also see:


Northern Ireland abortions under-reported by thousands

Activists now pushing to liberalise Scotland’s abortion law after censoring pro-lifers

Massachusetts promotes abortion in brazen attack on pro-life pregnancy centres

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