Greens accused of silencing opponents of gender ideology

The Green Party of England and Wales has been captured by radical gender ideology, ‘exiled’ members have complained.

Protesting outside the party’s annual conference last week, free speech campaigner Emma Bateman believes it is no longer possible to “discuss contentious issues” within the Green Party.

As a member of Greens in Exile, Bateman believes that she and other gender critics have been “forced out of the party” for contesting the party line that “trans women are women and trans men are men and non-binary identities are valid”.

‘Debate is dead’

Bateman, who was expelled from the party in 2023 following accusations of  ‘transphobia’ and ‘bigotry’, said the Greens risked losing credibility “if we cannot say a basic thing, that men are not women”.

Barred from attending the Greens’ conference, she stated: “Democracy and debate is dead in the party.”

Fellow ‘Exile’ Alison Teal was suspended and then deselected as a Green Party councillor in 2022 for allegedly making transphobic remarks.

And in 2021, Dom Armstrong — another member of the group — resigned from his post on Sunderland Council after he was branded a “transphobe” when he “politely disagreed” with other party members over transgender ideology.


In February, a London court awarded Dr Shahrah Ali £9,100 in damages after it found the Greens had subjected him to unlawful discrimination by sacking him because of his gender-critical beliefs.

Dr Ali was sacked as the Party’s Policing and Domestic Safety spokesman following complaints by activists over his criticism of radical gender ideology.

According to the Mayor’s and City of London Court judgment, the Green Party acted in a “discriminatory” way towards Dr Ali because of his “protected belief” and his “removal was procedurally unfair”.

Dr Ali said the judgment backed the right of Green Party members “to be able to articulate, ventilate and foster genuine debate on matters of great consequence without fear of disproportionate consequence”.

Also see:

Lib Dems admit victimising member for upholding biological sex

Labour wants to weaken safeguards for ‘changing sex’ but stops short of self-ID

MP: ‘Trans-ideology is polluting politics and democracy’

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