Hundreds of medical professionals have called on Britain’s national leaders to stop unsupervised abortions.
In an open letter to the Prime Minister, the First Minister of Scotland and the First Minister of Wales, signatories are demanding the practice be “revoked with immediate effect”, citing concerns over women’s safety.
Under temporary coronavirus regulations, women have been allowed to take abortion pills at home without medical supervision since last March. But Westminster, Holyrood and Cardiff Bay have recently consulted on permanently extending the emergency measures.
Multiple risks
The letter, co-ordinated by Right to Life UK, outlined a number of serious risks to “women’s health and welfare” associated with the present ‘telemedicine’ abortion policy.
It identified dangers, including complications arising from a lack of medical supervision, the “inherent difficulties in verifying gestational age” and the potential for vulnerable women to be “coerced” into having an abortion.
In summary, the letter stated: “‘at-home’ abortion has undermined healthcare for pregnant women and their unborn children by prioritising convenience over care”.
Catherine Robinson of Right to Life UK labelled the emergency measures “a cruel experiment on women and their unborn babies”, and demanded immediate action to “end these dangerous ‘DIY’ home abortion schemes.”a cruel experiment on women and their unborn babies
Professional concerns
Ethicist and medic Dr Calum Miller said: “We should not be failing women by eliminating the checks we have in place to put their safety first.”
Fellow signatory Dr Antony Latham, a GP from the Isle of Harris in Scotland, also questioned the safety of the present arrangement.
He said: “Without proper face to face examination a woman can easily obtain the pills under a false name and at the wrong gestation. This has already resulted in at least one death of a baby at 28 weeks’ gestation”.
Speaking in support of the letter, Scott Benton MP commented that, in light of the evident complications, it was “unsurprising that such a strong number of medical professionals have come out in favour of ending this extremely dangerous practice”.
Majority of GPs concerned about making ‘DIY’ home abortion permanent
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