Girl Guides Aus CEO sacked for questioning pro-trans membership policy

A former Chief Executive Officer of Girl Guides Western Australia has said she was ‘cancelled’ for suggesting the movement should only cater for girls.

Karyn Lisignoli lost her job for questioning the organisation’s policy, which allows boys and men who ‘live their lives as females’ to become members and leaders.

Lisignoli claims she was hounded out of her role by LGBT activists for tweeting her opposition to radical transgender ideology.

Ideological pandering

Following her appointment to the role in December, the new CEO sought to contact women’s rights lawyer Katherine Deves via Twitter in relation to a recent UK Supreme Court ruling against ‘gender-neutral’ passports.

In her tweet, Lisignoli said: “Katherine I’m now the CEO of Girl Guides WA & I’ve noticed our constitution panders to this ideology.

“Can I DM you to find the legal standing on this? If we change it back to biological female are we breaking the law?”

After a local LGBT website broke the news, Lisignoli was informed by Girl Guides WA that her tweet had “exposed the organisation to serious reputational risk” and that her actions “warranted summary dismissal”.

It’s staggering that the rights of that biological male override the rights of all those biological girls.

Aggressive, predatory, unscientific

According to, Lisignoli responded to the chairwoman’s letter of dismissal by arguing that it was not her views that were serious, but rather “this radical agenda”.

She explained: “If Girl Guides allow anyone to self-identify as female, that means male predators have the opportunity either to come in as unit leaders, or even young teenage boys”.

It’s staggering that the rights of that biological male override the rights of all those biological girls.

She added that the pro-trans push was also “a very aggressive ideology – it’s not a science and it’s certainly not based in biology”.

The former CEO told the Australian news site: “It’s staggering that the rights of that biological male override the rights of all those biological girls.”

Also see:

Teachers told to go ‘gender-free’

‘Only girls allowed’, says single-sex school trust

Girl Guide leaders rail against trans policy

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