‘Fear not’: Christian MLA tells Assembly about his trust in God

A Christian MLA has spoken of his trust in God during a Northern Ireland Assembly debate on COVID-19.

Paul Givan, DUP MLA for Lagan Valley, shared with Stormont the comfort he takes from the Bible, especially in difficult times.

He said that in an unknown world ‘we can find strength from knowing an unchanging God’.


Mr Givan was speaking during a debate on the impact of Coronavirus in Northern Ireland.

He concluded his speech by saying that at this time many people are “searching for what really gives them support and structure.

“For me, it is my faith in God.”


“I have taken comfort, as the crisis has developed, from a number of verses in the Bible”, he said.

He then went on to quote Isaiah 41 from the King James version of the Bible: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness”.

Mr Givan assured NI Government Ministers that he was praying for them “at this time of uncertainty, that they will be given the wisdom to try and navigate us through the difficult times ahead”.

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