Explicit sex education for pupils with special needs

Children with learning difficulties should be shown explicit images of intercourse as part of sex education, according to a radical new campaign by the Family Planning Association.

The FPA’s “It’s My Right” campaign has produced a CD-Rom to be used by special needs teachers and school nurses. It features explicit images of sex and masturbation.

“It’s more explicit than mainstream sex-education,” said Audrey Simpson of the FPA. “But you need to be quite explicit, otherwise you create confusion,” she claimed.

The scheme has been piloted in Northern Ireland by Mark Breslin who runs courses in sex education for schools and youth groups.

According to The Times Educational Supplement he believes many mainstream pupils would benefit from a similar approach.

The FPA recently called for parents to lose the right to take their children out of sex education classes and wants compulsory lessons to start at the age of four.

Critics say that decades of safer-sex policies have sidelined parents and contributed to the sexualisation of teenagers.

In recent years the promised reduction of teenage pregnancy rates have failed to meet Government targets. Meanwhile, levels of sexually transmitted diseases have risen amongst teens together with increased numbers of teen abortions.