Explicit sex ed DVD used in Scottish primary schools

Parents in Scotland are shocked that an explicit sex education DVD, which has been withdrawn from sale, is still being shown in Scottish primary schools.

The DVD entitled Living and Growing, produced by Channel 4 Learning, contains explicit footage of a naked cartoon couple having sex.

In July this year, Channel 4 Learning removed it from their catalogue after a long-running campaign from MPs and parents.


Now, hundreds of parents in Lanarkshire have signed a petition calling for the DVD to be withdrawn from classrooms.

Many of them say they were not made fully aware of the nature of the film, parts of which are aimed at children as young as five.

One mum Pamela Cupples insisted the DVD was inappropriate for very young children.


She said: “It doesn’t promote sexuality being in marriage. It’s all about ‘being in love’. We, as parents, are here to know what is best for our children to see.”

A North Lanarkshire Council spokesman said that parents can remove their children from sex education lessons in schools.

And a Scottish Government spokesman said: “It is for local authorities and schools to decide which resources are used with pupils, ensuring that all content is appropriate for the children being taught.”