Christian whose testimony was branded ‘conversion therapy’ speaks to CI

The Christian man whose testimony was branded “conversion therapy” has told The Christian Institute such claims are ‘confused’.

Becket Cook, a former Hollywood set designer, first made the news in 2019 when he explained how he left his gay lifestyle behind him when he became a Christian. His interview with The Gospel Coalition was shared online by NI public official and former MLA Nelson McCausland last week.

Activists quickly accused Mr McCausland of promoting “conversion therapy practices” and called for him to be sacked, despite Cook not having undergone any such practices.

‘Single and celibate’

Mr Cook told The Christian Institute that there is often confusion around his conversion “from atheism to Christianity”.

“When I got saved eleven years ago, I immediately knew that homosexual behavior was sinful. I have been single and celibate since.

“I left the gay life behind because I am a follower of Christ. Homosexual activity is incompatible with the teachings on this in the Bible.”

Cook himself did not experience any ‘conversion therapy practices’ but instead came to leave his homosexual lifestyle behind him after coming to faith.

Gospel ban

In the UK, the freedom to preach the Gospel is under threat as those who disagree with the Bible’s teaching on gender and sexuality are attempting to have it censured under wide ‘conversion therapy ban’ proposals.

The Institute’s Deputy Directors Ciarán Kelly and Simon Calvert recently discussed the proposed ban and the impact that it could have on the evangelism, teaching, pastoral care and even prayer of Bible-believing churches.

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Also see:

‘I was gay, but I found Christ and now I’m married to a woman’

‘I was living a gay lifestyle but Christ transformed me’

Revelation of the wages of sin led me to Christ, says ex-gay author

Exclusive: Why I left my gay life to follow Jesus

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