Christian removed from US uni group for upholding Biblical marriage

A Christian student who defended a biological definition of gender and traditional marriage at her university has been asked to leave the political group she represents on campus.

20-year-old Isabella Chow, a senator of the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) Berkeley, was removed from the Student Action party, following her stance.

The controversy surrounded a resolution condemning the Trump administration for considering a legal definition of gender as biological.

‘Without compromising’

On Wednesday 7 November, Chow abstained from the vote explaining: “I cannot vote for these bills without compromising my values and my responsibility to the community who elected me to represent them”.

“I believe that God created male and female at the beginning of time, and designated sex for marriage between one man and one woman”.

She continued: “For me, to love another person does not mean that I silently concur when, at the bottom of my heart, I do not believe that your choices are right or the best for you as an individual”.


The ASUC political party, Student Action, announced in a social media post on Wednesday night that it had ‘disaffiliated’ with Senator Chow following her remarks.

The group indicated that Chow’s pro-life views were also a factor in the decision.

A ‘horrible person’

Since the debate Chow has emphasised that she did not seek to communicate a ‘transphobic’ and ‘homophobic’ message.

She has received much opposition from students at California University who are opposed to the new Government proposals.

More than 1,000 students have signed a petition demanding that she resign from student government, whilst other students have taken to social media calling her a “horrible person” and a “mental imbecile”.

‘Ignored and misunderstood’

Chow has 28 staff and was elected with support from Christian students.

She says she feels “frustrated and sad that Berkeley students are forced to live in a bubble, and we have to protect ourselves from anything that a vocal population deems to be offensive”.

Despite opposition, she has made it clear that she does not plan to resign from her position on campus.

“Because if I do, there will be no one else to represent the voices that are ignored and misunderstood on campus.”