Christian radio station will be allowed to challenge ad ban

A Christian radio station which was banned from airing an advert on Christian marginalisation has been given permission to go to court and challenge the decision.

Premier Christian Radio wanted to run an advert on Christians being sidelined in the workplace but it was banned for being “politically motivated”.

The group wanted to air the advert around the time of 2010′s General Election but the Radio Advertising Clearance Centre (RACC), which clears adverts for commercial radio, refused to allow the ad.


Although Premier was given permission to challenge the decision using a judicial review last June, the RACC raised an objection. Now however a court has ruled that the review should go ahead.

The judge considering the case indicated it was one of great importance and should be brought forward quickly.

Premier’s Chief Executive, Peter Kerridge, said: “This has been a long hard fight but, at last, we have the right for a judicial review to clarify the law in matters of religious expression.”

And solicitor Tom Ellis said: “This is an important case for Christians and their expression of religious views. Airing this particular advert will allow people to do just that and the information gathered can then be used by equal opportunity groups in future debate and to further the cause of religious equality.”


The ad was due to air during May 2010 in order to inform debate during the General Election campaign. It said: “Surveys have shown that 60% of active Christians are being increasingly marginalised in the work place.

“We are concerned to get the most accurate data to inform the public debate. We will then use this data to help make a fairer society.”

The advert was for the Christian Communications Partnership, the publishing arm of Premier Media Group which also owns Premier Christian Radio.