Christian Brits protected less than other religious believers

Christians are afforded less protection for their beliefs by the state compared to those who practise other religions, a new survey suggests.

Of the 2000 people surveyed exclusively for The Telegraph, nearly half thought British believers had less protection.

This figure rises to 62 per cent among those who identify as non-practising Christians.


The poll also reveals that over half of the respondents – 56 per cent – believe Britain is a Christian country.

The survey comes amidst criticism from a group of atheists who lambasted David Cameron after he called Britain a Christian country during Downing Street’s Easter reception.

But several ministers have backed Cameron’s comments including Attorney General Dominic Grieve who said atheists who claim that Britain is not a Christian nation are “deluding themselves”.


According to the 2011 census there are 33 million people –  nearly six out of ten – who identified as being Christian.

Only 29,267 saw themselves as being atheist, with an additional 15,067 humanists.

Writing in a comment piece, Director of The Christian Institute Colin Hart said: “You could fit all the atheists into a place the size of Bolsover. For every 10,000 people only 14 will not believe in God.


“It’s almost as though the Census confirms the truth of what Paul says in Romans 1:19 about God’s invisible qualities being clearly seen.”

In March, a Christian graphic designer, who sued a hotel claiming he was denied a job at the hotel because of his faith, settled out of court, with the help of The Christian Institute’s Legal Defence Fund.

Jamie Haxby claimed that a manager at Prested Hall Hotel turned him down for a job because some staff who are atheists wouldn’t work with a Christian.