Bullying for ‘transphobia’ led prize-winning journalist to resign

A veteran journalist accused of ‘transphobia’ has spoken out about the bullying which led to her resignation from The Guardian.

Suzanne Moore, who won the 2019 Orwell Prize for Journalism, resigned following months of bullying after she wrote an article challenging the idea that biological sex is merely a ‘social construct’.

Her piece defended single-sex spaces for women and opposed the no-platforming of Oxford historian, Professor Selina Todd.


Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Moore expressed astonishment at the strength of reaction her original article had generated and admitted it was becoming more difficult to challenge transgender ideology.

Moore also spoke in support of other women, such as J.K. Rowling , who she said had been subjected to “a witch-hunt” for speaking out on transgender issues.

The journalist attributed the apparent success of such scare tactics to “the incredible lobbying and institutional capture Stonewall has had on our education and public sector”.

Keira Bell

Moore welcomed this week’s High Court ruling in the Keira Bell case to protect children from being given puberty blockers, and she highlighted the censuring experienced by journalists on the transgender issue.

Commenting on Twitter, she said: “Again one of the reasons that I left The Guardian is that many of us knew all the stuff that emerged today in the Bell ruling.

“We got the receipts and we could not investigate it even as medical malpractice. This is unacceptable. Please [let] it change.”

Radical ideology

Earlier in the year, children’s author Gillian Philip was sacked from her role at Working Partners for defending Rowling’s views on transgenderism.

And in July Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne was removed as Honorary Vice-President of the Booker Prize, following accusations of ‘transphobia’ and ‘homophobia’.

More recently, Jenni Murray hit out at the BBC for ‘cancelling’ her from speaking on controversial topics such as transgenderism.

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