British taxpayers funding illegal abortions in Africa

British taxpayers are funding illegal abortions performed by Marie Stopes International (MSI), according to a recent investigation.

The ‘Killing Africa’ documentary found that the UK Department for International Development (DFID) gives public money to MSI, which is operating in 16 countries in Africa.

In the documentary for pro-life charity Culture of Life Africa, presenter Obianuju Ekeocha said taxpayers might be “outraged” that their money is being given “to an organisation that provides illegal abortions”.


Marie Stopes International is the largest abortion provider in the world, and performed over 3.3 million abortions or post-abortion services in 2014 alone.

Ekeocha spoke to Desire Kirabo, a former Marie Stopes Centre Manager in Uganda, who highlighted DFID’s involvement with the abortion giant.

She said, “we were being told that every abortion we made, they paid Marie Stopes for that abortion”.


Kirabo also accused MSI of covering up their operations when they were inspected by USAID, a major US donor.

“They would tell us to hide abortion equipment because USAID did not deal with abortions” she said.

Abortion in Uganda is illegal unless the mother’s life is in danger.


She went on to speak of the shocking conditions and practices of the clinic she worked at, where women received abortions while up to five or six months pregnant.

She described how a loud radio was used to drown out the screaming of women undergoing manual vacuum aspiration by untrained medical assistants. The women were sent home the same day.

Ekeocha was visibly moved by Kirabo’s account of how the body parts were disposed of, in what she called “a desecration of human remains”.

If a baby was killed before 14 weeks, its remains would be flushed down a toilet. After 14 weeks, the remains would be dumped in a pit latrine.


Killing Africa also highlighted how MSI has already been banned from performing any abortions in Zambia, after they were found to have performed 490 there illegally over five months.

It showed footage of Marie Stopes’ Programme Director in South Africa Paul Cornellisson, who freely admitted “we do illegal abortions all over the world” during a conference in 2007.

Contributing to the documentary was Dr David Paton, a professor of Industrial Economics at Nottingham University Business School.

He highlighted how the Government spends ‘humanitarian aid’ overseas and called on the public to respond to the revelations by putting “pressure on our MPs and members of the House of Lords”.

’Morally repugnant’

Earlier this week, President Trump reinstated a policy which prohibits non-governmental organisations from promoting or providing abortions overseas if they receive US funding.

Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, welcomed the move, and called using taxpayer’s money to fund abortions “morally repugnant”.

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