BBC to review sex ed ‘blue movie’ after outcry

The BBC is to review a controversial sex education video for children as young as nine following parents’ concerns.

Appalled parents contacted Andrea Leadsom MP who said the video was “like a blue movie” and was “shattering the innocence of childhood”.

Now, after intervention from a Government minister, the BBC has said it will review the content.


According to The Sun newspaper schools minister Nick Gibb met with the BBC about the Sex and Relationship Education CD-Rom.

The Christian Institute exposed the controversial CD-Rom in its Too Much Too Young report last year.

Mr Gibb told The Sun: “Parents are justifiably worried materials like this are being used in lessons.”

And Mrs Leadsom said: “I’m pleased the BBC is going to review this material.”


Materials in the controversial CD-Rom include a graphic sex scene of a computer-generated couple, cartoon characters having sex, and explicit discussion.

In October last year the content of sex education resources being used with children as young as five was criticised by a Conservative Peer.

Lord Eden of Winton sounded a warning about sex education saying that “the content of material, and the fact that it is projected to our children in schools from the age of five, is appalling”.

He added: “This is something that does need to be tackled sensibly.”


In March 2011 The Christian Institute released its Too Much Too Young report which revealed explicit resources being recommended for use in primary schools that choose to teach sex education.

One of the suggested resources is a card game where five-year-olds could be asked to match sexually explicit terms, such as masturbation and anal sex, with definitions.

Commenting at the time Mike Judge, Head of Communications at The Christian Institute, said: “Most parents would be deeply upset if these materials were used with their primary-aged child.


“If public bodies believe these resources are suitable for young children, there is clearly a problem with their judgement and more control needs to be given to parents.

“Parents must have the right to be fully consulted about materials. They must be able to review them, and veto any that are unsuitable.”