Abortion survivor knows ‘joy in her heart’ through faith in God

An American woman left scarred by a botched abortion has spoken of her joy in believing in Christ.

Hope, who was seriously injured in the womb during a failed abortion, now warns others that “abortion hurts”, whilst testifying to God’s plan for her life.

In 2023, an estimated one million abortions were performed in the US.

Considerable injury

Speaking to the pro-life group Students for Life, Hope explained: “My birth mum scheduled an abortion appointment when she was ten weeks pregnant with me. She went in scared and unsure, but went through with the procedure.

“What they didn’t tell her was how fully formed my body was, how my body, not pregnancy tissue, would be impacted by the tools the abortionist used that day. What she also didn’t know walking out of the abortion facility was that I survived.”

Terri, who adopted Hope as a baby, said that her daughter was born two months early, weighing 3 lb 6 oz. However, she continued, “what was especially unusual upon Hope’s arrival was the considerable injury to her head.

“From Hope’s forehead back to her right ear, the skull and the scalp had been cut away, leaving jagged edges and part of her brain exposed.”

‘Created equally’

Terri added that despite the abortion attempt, Hope “continued to grow in secret”.

She explained: “At around five and a half months along, her birth mother felt movement. She felt Hope kicking and stretching.

“Courageously, Hope’s birth mother decided to give birth, and placed Hope up for adoption with our family. And we are so blessed.”

“So many people look at Hope’s condition and use it as a reason to push for more abortion but that couldn’t be further from the message families need. All life is valuable and all people are created equally.”


As an abortion survivor, Hope lives with a permanent disability, uses a wheelchair, and is dependent upon care from others.

In sharing her story, she told Students for Life, “I want people to see the living proof that abortion hurts. It hurt my mom emotionally, and it hurt me physically, but we don’t have to keep settling for it.”

She also encourages others to speak out against abortion and, reflecting on what has happened to her, said: “God had a plan for my life, and he has always provided for me. I have a joy in my heart that no one can take away.”

Also see:

American Medical Association refuses to help babies who survive abortions

Abortion survivor spreads pro-life message

GB News presenter: ‘My unborn son was undeniably a living being’

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