Abortion activists protest at film showing baby growing in the womb

A public viewing of a short pro-life film has been disrupted by pro-abortion activists in Bologna, Italy.

‘Baby Olivia’ is a computer-generated animation showing the growth of a baby in the womb and highlights that from fertilisation a baby’s sex, hair and eye colour, and other genetic traits are “already determined”.

Protestors tried to disconnect cables to stop the event, and threw flyers and condoms at the organisers, Pro Vita e Famiglia.

Police protection

The pro-life group said it needed to “resort to escort and protection by law enforcement” in order to publicly show people the biological facts of “how human life begins and develops in the womb according to scientific evidence”.

Pro Vita e Famiglia said the protestors tried “to disturb and prevent the event from taking place first by shouting insults and blasphemies” before they attempted to physically stop the showing.

In a statement on X it added: “The climate of tension and violence became so heated that the police had to line up in defense of the screen and those present.”

However, it still went ahead with a showing in Ancona the following week. Pro Vita e Famiglia said: “We will not give in to any form of threat, violence or intimidation.”

Violence and intimidation

It is not the first time the pro-life group has been violently attacked. Their offices were vandalised in December 2023 which led to the Italian Prime Minister speaking up in its defence and denouncing the activists.

Spokesman Jacopo Coghe said that the attack against the group came from “an aggressive, violent, dangerous and ideological movement that does not tolerate those who think differently from them”.

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