
Building a life-affirming church culture: a challenge to pursue a biblical view of the dignity and worth of every human life

The date 24 June 2022 was a momentous one for which we should give thanks to God – wherever we live. That was the day when the US Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling. The biblical conviction that every human life has dignity (because all are created in the image of God) lies at the foundation of the life-affirming medical ethic which has shaped Western culture for 2,000 years.

LGBT history month: The heroes they’d rather you ignore

Officially, ‘Pride Month’ is in June. But you’d be forgiven for thinking it lasts most of the year. Certainly, the companies and public bodies flocking to redesign their logos to incorporate multi-coloured ‘Pride’ flags seem to start ever earlier and keep them longer and longer.