
All for the glory of God

As a young Christian believer I was stirred in my soul when I realised that our nation had turned its back on God. I wanted to glorify God in my life and assumed that ‘full-time Christian work’ was the best way to do it. I went to as many missionary conferences as I could, but in 1984 concluded that God wasn’t calling me to work for him in a church or as a missionary. So I became a teacher. In my own mind, this was a life on ‘Track B’.

Suicide is suicide: Don’t be hoodwinked by euphemisms

Saturday 10 September was World Suicide Prevention Day. Every year, individuals and organisations around the world join together to raise awareness of what can drive some people to believe that suicide is their only option. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and in 2021 alone there were 5,5831 registered in England and Wales.