
An Apologetic for Education

Our great God is worthy of all praise (see Psalm 19:1; Isaiah. 6:3). We long for everyone on earth to know and worship Him, for that is His due. God created human beings in His image to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. If we are to fulfil that wonderful end, we need to learn of God, His works, and His ways. One generation is to pass on that eternal treasure to the next as David declared:

Love Your Children, Love God More – Lessons from Sarah Edwards

Sarah Edwards (1710–1758), wife of the great theologian and revival preacher Jonathan Edwards, is most often remembered for her lifelong devotion to God. She had experienced God’s grace even as a little girl. At age 16, she confided in her journal that she had been “led to prize nearness to Christ as the creature’s greatest happiness” (Sarah Edwards: Delighting in God, 27).

Special book review: Biblical Critical Theory

Christopher Watkin’s aim is to analyse and critique our contemporary culture through the lens of the Bible. He seeks to set out a Christian social and cultural theory based in theology and Scripture to help us understand and relate to the world in which we live. A laudable objective indeed, as shown in the sub-title, ‘How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture’, and a welcome endeavour to deal with an important topic.