
GE2017: Candidate or party?

In the ‘first past the post’ system for Westminster elections you vote for a particular candidate. So there are two key factors which we all must consider when deciding who to vote for. We must consider the candidates and we must consider the parties they represent.

GE2017: Issues on the horizon

The new Parliament elected on 8 June 2017 could vote on new laws affecting religious liberty, freedom of speech, transsexual rights, abortion, designer babies, assisted suicide, teaching on marriage and relationships in schools, divorce liberalisation, drugs legalisation and prostitution.

GE2017: The Brexit election?

A proper understanding of Britain’s membership of the EU has always involved questions of nationhood and sovereignty, economics and trade, democracy and accountability, defence and international relations, as well as the implications for Christian freedom.

GE2017: Biblical priorities in voting

When it comes to a matter of public policy, Christians have to assess biblical priorities. We can distinguish those political issues on which the Bible is absolutely clear from those where the Bible is not clear.