The Puritans: radical change to English Protestantism
English Puritans: renowned for preaching the Word of God and remembered for purifying the worship of God.
English Puritans: renowned for preaching the Word of God and remembered for purifying the worship of God.
The English Reformation went through turbulent times during the Tudor period. But during this time Thomas Cranmer was a key figure used by God to create long-lasting change in the English Church.
A newly launched art installation examining the subject of identity is focussing on body dysmorphia.
At the sound of the word ‘reformation’, it’s only natural to call to mind the names of great English reformers who rediscovered vital biblical truths.
The remarkable judgment of the United Kingdom Supreme Court (UKSC) in Lee v Ashers Baking Company will affect courts in all parts of the UK in their future application of discrimination and human rights law.
To many, the Reformation began on 31 October 1517, when Martin Luther is said to have nailed his 95 theses to the door of All Saints Church in Wittenburg, Germany. But in England at least, the seeds of reformation had been sown around 150 years before.