Reality Check: The subjective nature of ‘hate crime’
Hate crime is back in the news. In August, The Christian Institute considered a reported rise in transgender hate crimes and found things were not as clear cut as they seemed.
Hate crime is back in the news. In August, The Christian Institute considered a reported rise in transgender hate crimes and found things were not as clear cut as they seemed.
On 28 July 2016, the UK Supreme Court dramatically struck down the central provisions of the Scottish Government’s Named Person scheme.
Controversial questions in the 2021 Census – by Rod Badams
On 12 May 1999 the Scottish Parliament was re-established for the first time in 292 years. Winnie Ewing, a leading campaigner for the change, marked the restoration of powers with these words: “The Scottish Parliament was adjourned on 25 March in the year 1707. It is hereby reconvened.”
“So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2:17
This week, Secretary of State for Justice David Gauke was busy accepting plaudits for his no-fault divorce Bill.