A dazzling theatre for God’s glory
by Dr Sharon James
by Dr Sharon James
Gifted Latin scholar, lawyer, successful journalist, poet, playwright and politician – Joseph Addison (1672-1719) was one of the most recognisable and popular figures of his day.
The extensive legal powers within the Coronavirus Act would normally be totally unacceptable in a democracy. But we are in a time of national emergency.
Having recently recovered from an unpleasant bout of what I assume was COVID-19, I am now working from home like millions of others.
We live in anxious times. As coronavirus spreads across the world, we may have many reasons to worry; concern for elderly relatives, financial uncertainty, the emptying of supermarket shelves. And this is hardly helped by a 24/7 news cycle providing minute-by-minute updates.
In this whole crisis we thank God that the Government’s clear aim is to save lives. That’s not always true in every time and place. But with COVID-19, everything is being done with that intent. All politicians agree. Measures to fight the epidemic are clearing Parliament without a vote.