On this day: Christian couple arrested for Islam conversation
On 20 March 2009, a Christian couple were arrested and accused of committing a ‘hate crime’ for allegedly criticising Islam in a discussion with a guest at their hotel.
On 20 March 2009, a Christian couple were arrested and accused of committing a ‘hate crime’ for allegedly criticising Islam in a discussion with a guest at their hotel.
Boots recently announced a cut to the price of the morning-after pill (MAP) to £10. This pill has been around for decades. It was first licensed in the UK in the 1980s for occasional use. However, today it can legally be handed out without prescription, and even in schools to children under the age of consent.
Since the start of the Covid pandemic in the UK, women have been allowed to take the two pills involved in chemical abortions at home and without medical supervision. These ‘emergency’ measures were supposed to be temporary, but Westminster, Holyrood and Cardiff Bay are all considering making them permanent.
In June 1968 the ancient buildings of the Sorbonne in Paris were covered with graffiti including: À bas l’État! (Down with the state!) Si tu veux être heureux pends ton propriétaire! (Happiness is hanging your landlord!) Ici, bientôt, de charmantes ruines! (Coming soon – charming ruins!) Il est interdit d’interdire! (No forbidding allowed!) Marx, Mao, Marcuse!
Rob Henderson, a PhD student at Cambridge, has become known recently for his theory of ‘luxury beliefs’.
On 22 January 2009, a Brighton care home for elderly Christians won back thousands of pounds of funding withdrawn by the local council because of its biblical beliefs on homosexuality.