Living in light of our hope: Revd Angus MacLeay, Autumn Lectures 2016
Although spiritual darkness is falling all around us, we have the sure and solid hope of eternal salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
That was a key point as Revd Angus MacLeay spoke last night at The Christian Institute’s third Autumn Lecture.
Revd MacLeay, the Rector of St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks, spoke from 1 Peter as he encouraged believers to continue in their Christian walk.
He noted that there are striking parallels with Peter’s readers and the 21st Century West – like them we are exiles from our true home and face descending darkness in our society.
Revd MacLeay explained that like Christ – who died on the cross before ascending to heaven – we face suffering now with glory to come.
But, he noted encouragingly, the light which lies ahead provides fresh impetus in the current situation of challenges to religious liberty and biblical sexual ethics.
He explained that the hope we have is based on the fact of Jesus’ bodily resurrection: “He has broken through the wall of death”.
So, in the light of that hope, Christians should be shaped by God and not our surroundings.
And, although it is easy to look back to a past era, our sure and certain hope makes us look forward to eternity with Christ.
You can order a copy of Revd MacLeay’s lecture on CD for £2.50. A special boxset of all this year’s lectures will also be available for £11.00, or on an MP3 CD for £4.
To place an order, phone The Christian Institute office on 0191 281 5664 or email