Bristol Uni guide encourages staff to use ‘catgender’ and ’emojiself’ pronouns

One of the UK’s leading universities has encouraged staff to create a culture where ‘neopronouns’ based on emojis and people self-identifying as cats are accepted as normal.

‘Using Pronouns at Work Guidance’ issued by the University of Bristol also warns that the “repeated and deliberate” use of the incorrect pronoun for staff who believe themselves to be transgender or non-binary could result in disciplinary action.

The document recommends staff consult resources produced by transgender activists including controversial lobby group Stonewall.


The guide states: “Although it is most common for people to use the pronouns ‘she/her/hers’ and ‘he/him/his’, many people use gender-neutral pronouns such as ‘they/them/theirs’, and some people use ‘neopronouns’ such as ‘Ze/Zir/Zirs’.”

A website linked to the Bristol document defines neopronouns as “any set of singular third-person pronouns that are not officially recognized in the language they are used in”.

According to the site, these neopronouns may “utilize emojis” or include words that refer to people who align themselves with animals, such as cats – a behaviour known as ‘catgender’.

The site – LGBTA Wiki – then explains that there are “multiple subtypes of catgender”, such as “meowgender”, “tigergender” and “kittygender”.


The publication of Bristol’s ‘equality document’ comes as former student Raquel Rosario-Sanchez seeks to sue the University for failing to protect her from being bullied by trans-activists over her belief in the biological reality of sex.

Rosario-Sanchez filed a bullying complaint in 2018, after transgender students targeted her for chairing an event to discuss proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act.

After a 16-month disciplinary process, the university dismissed her case in 2019 and took no action against any student.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph ahead of the start of her case on Monday, Rosario-Sanchez described the actions of the university as “cowardly” and said it had given the impression that it was “scared of trans activists”.


In October, Professor Kathleen Stock OBE resigned from her position at Sussex University after being subject to a campaign of abuse by trans-activists for her belief that men cannot become women.

Her plight prompted more than 200 academics to call on the Equality and Human Rights Commission to intervene at universities where staff and students who uphold such beliefs have suffered “bullying, harassment and no-platforming”.

Also see:

Majority of civil servants reject Scot Govt ‘pronoun pledge’ push

NI Civil Service: ‘Use trans pronouns or face the sack’

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