Brian Dee
Brian Dee, a member of The Open Air Mission (OAM), had been preaching in the Bury St Edmunds Market Place on Wednesday afternoons for more than ten years, and handing out Christian tracts. But in January 2008, Council officials told Mr Dee that distributing the leaflets was prohibited under a local byelaw aimed at reducing litter.
Supported by our Legal Defence Fund.
he took legal action; informing the Council that if it continued to prevent him from handing out the leaflets, he would proceed with legal action.
The Council subsequently admitted that there had been no complaints or evidence that Mr Dee’s leaflets were causing a littering problem, and told Mr Dee that he could continue distributing them. They have also offered to review the byelaw to see if it is inconsistent with human rights legislation.
When a local council banned me from distributing gospel tracts in the market place, The Christian Institute was instrumental in getting the council to back down. Their work means gospel work can carry on unhindered, it’s that simple.
Brian Dee