Video: Chicago schools could have sex ed from age 5

School children in the US city of Chicago could be about to get sex education from the age of five.

It’s part of plans being considered by the Chicago Public School system to start sex education at kindergarten.

Various topics would be covered including sexual orientation, but officials insist information would be ‘age appropriate’.


Children in youngest classes would learn about appropriate and inappropriate touching and feelings, while older classes would be taught about puberty and HIV.

Here in the UK, the previous Labour Government had to drop plans to make sex education mandatory in primary schools.

But campaigners are still pushing for the law to be changed so that very young children are forced to sit through sex education.


Chicago Public Schools CEO, Barbara Byrd-Bennett, said: “It is important that we provide students of all ages with accurate and appropriate information so they can make healthy choices in regards to their social interactions, behaviours, and relationships.”

But Melissa Diebold, a parent with children in the district, said: “I don’t think it’s age appropriate. They have no concept of anything like that at that stage in life.”