MP says ban Page Three as it treats women as objects

An MP has warned against the “daily drip drip objectification of women” caused by topless pictures in The Sun newspaper, and said it is inappropriate for children to see them.

But the new editor of The Sun, David Dinsmore, has said topless pictures will stay because it is a “good way of selling newspapers”.

Green MP Caroline Lucas criticised the “normalising” effect of Page Three as the newspaper can be seen in public places such as cafes, buses and hairdressers.


She questioned whether it is appropriate “for a daily newspaper, underline the word news, to have these kinds of images that kids from all ages can actually get hold of”.

She said the “daily drip drip objectification of women” creates a culture in which attitudes of violence towards women is acceptable.

Caroline Lucas urged the Government to step in and ban Page Three if it hasn’t been removed from The Sun by the end of the year.


She said in a debate in the House of Commons that the newspaper should also be removed from sale in Parliament until topless pictures were dropped.

She said Page Three should be consigned to the “rubbish bin where it belongs”.

A campaign to ask the editor of The Sun newspaper to remove Page Three has support from more than 108,000 people, including the Girlguiding movement.

An online poll of more than 2,000 guides aged between 16 and 25 showed 88 per cent believed topless pictures should be dropped.