Weatherman and TV host fired for traditional views

A Christian weatherman in California has been fired from his job after objecting to the TV station running racy footage for a 5pm story about local strip clubs.

And in a separate story in Toronto, a TV host was fired for expressing his support for traditional marriage.

KERO-TV’s chief weatherman, Jack Church told The Christian Post he was standing up for his Christian values when he asked executives at the station not to air a story about strip clubs doing well amid an economic recession.


“I said, ‘I am a Christian,’ and told them I just led a class at my church on faith sharing”, said Mr Church.

He added: “I said this is totally inappropriate material for the 5 o’clock newscast and I asked them not to air the story”.

When he learned that the story was going to be broadcast, Mr Church asked for the day off. But his request for leave was denied.

The veteran meteorologist said he would not show up for work the day the story was set to air because he felt his presence was an implied endorsement of the racy material. He was dismissed from his job a few days later.


Meanwhile in Canada, host Damian Goddard was fired by TV show Rogers Sportsnet on Wednesday this week, after making comments in support of a hockey agent’s stand against same-sex marriage for New York.

Mr Goddard made the comments on Twitter, a social networking website where users can post comments – known as tweets – up to 140 characters in length.


Mr Goddard had tweeted on Tuesday in support of Todd Reynolds, a hockey agent who had criticised a New York Rangers player for filming a TV ad in support of same-sex marriage.

Mr Reynolds had described the player’s position on a proposal for same-sex marriage in New York as “very sad” and “wrong.”

“I completely and wholeheartedly support Todd Reynolds and his support for the traditional and TRUE meaning of marriage,” Goddard posted on his Twitter page.


By Wednesday morning, Sportsnet had cut ties with the host.

Sportsnet’s communications director said: “Mr. Goddard was a freelance contractor and in recent weeks it had become clear that he is not the right fit for our organization.”

“In terms of what I said, I stand by it,” said Mr Goddard, adding “it’s not about hate at all”.