Poll: Christian marginalisation on the rise, say UK churchgoers

The majority of churchgoers in the UK feel that Christians are being increasingly marginalised in public life, a new survey has revealed.

According to the poll, conducted by ComRes on behalf of Premier Christian Media, 81 per cent of churchgoers think the marginalisation of Christians is happening more and more in the media and press.

While 77 per cent thought it was growing in the public realm, two thirds said they believed it was increasing in the workplace.


And more than half said it was on the rise in Government.

Figures also revealed that more women than men on average thought that the marginalisation of Christians was increasing in British society.

Peter Kerridge, Chief Executive of Premier Christian Media, said: “The majority of Christians, young and old, feel marginalisation is on the increase.”


He added: “2011 presents a great opportunity for Christians to speak out and tackle the creeping marginalisation occurring in British society”.

Last week a Christian couple, who own a guesthouse in Cornwall, were fined £3,600 for restricting double rooms to married couples.

His Hon. Judge Andrew Rutherford said Peter and Hazelmary Bull ‘s actions were unlawful.


Mrs Bull said: “I do feel that Christianity is being marginalised in Britain. The same laws used against us have been used to shut down faith-based adoption agencies.

“Much is said about ‘equality and diversity’ but it seems some people are more equal than others.”

Last year a similar poll conducted by ComRes for Premier Christian Radio, revealed that three quarters of churchgoers believed the risk of anti-Christian persecution in the UK was greater than six years ago and 80 per cent expected it to get worse.


And two thirds thought there was more negative discrimination against Christians than any other faith group in the nation.

Mr Kerridge said at the time that something had to be done.

“When three out of four Christians have reported an increased risk of discrimination in the UK over the last five years, the message is clear. We, as a country, need to do more to support Christians living out their faith”, he said.