Gay marriage a ‘poke in the eye’ to public – Sun editor

Plans to introduce gay marriage are a “poke in the eye” to the 70 per cent of the British population who believe marriage should remain a heterosexual institution, says The Sun’s associate editor.

Writing in The Sun, which has a circulation of 2.7 million, Trevor Kavanagh said: “Changing the structure of marriage, under pressure from a few militants, is more than a gesture of support of gay rights.

“It is a gratuitous poke in the eye for the seven out of ten of us who think marriage is a heterosexual institution and had no idea he planned to change it.”


He added: “Some day it might be necessary to debate same-sex marriages. But where, Mr Cameron, is the need or demand right now?”

The associate editor said he believed marriage was for bringing up children: “But whichever way you twist the words, marriage vows — civil and religious — imply a sexual union for the purposes of procreation.

“Saying it should be open to one and all is like saying men should be entitled to bear children.”


He continued: “However you look at it — and without wishing to offend the transgender community — you can’t give birth without the necessary equipment.”

Mr Kavanagh also warned that if gay couples can marry, it would be difficult to argue against polygamy.

Earlier this month The Sun’s editorial called for a referendum on gay marriage.


It said: “This is a very big issue for our whole society. And one over which sincere people have different opinions.

“Why don’t we pause for three months, ignore our mixed bag of politicians and let the people decide with a referendum?”

Coalition for Marriage, a grassroots campaign group against the redefinition of marriage, has set up a petition against the Government’s controversial proposals.

It has already attracted more than 250,000 signatures less than a month after the launch on 20 February, and the petition can be signed here: