Gay couple demand more money from Christian B&B

A homosexual couple who sued the Christian owners of a B&B from Cornwall are going to court again, this time to demand more compensation money.

In January a court ordered Christians, Peter and Hazelmary Bull, to pay £3,600 in damages to Steven Preddy and Martyn Hall because the B&B’s double rooms were restricted to married couples.

In deciding the level of damages, the judge took into account the fact that the couple were genuinely acting upon their sincere beliefs about marriage.


But lawyers for the homosexual pair say that the Christian beliefs of Mr and Mrs Bull should be disregarded when deciding on a level of compensation.

They have asked the Court of Appeal to alter the level of damages. Mr Preddy and Mr Hall are represented by the taxpayer-funded Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Last week the Commission was forced into an embarrassing apology, after claiming that Christian foster parents may harm children by ‘infecting’ them with their moral values.


Hazelmary Bull said: “We’ve been hit for £3,600 already. Why are they pursuing us for more money?

“We don’t bear any ill will to Mr Hall and Mr Preddy. We simply want to live and work in line with our beliefs about marriage. Can’t we just agree to disagree?

“My husband is still very ill following major heart surgery, and this news is the last thing we needed.


“Thankfully, we are still receiving messages of support from the general public, including several gay couples who feel we’ve been given a rough ride.”

The Bulls are backed by The Christian Institute, a charity that defends the religious liberty of Christians.

Spokesman Mike Judge said: “It’s disappointing that Mr Preddy and Mr Hall, backed by the Equality Commission, are being so mean spirited.


“They are chasing an elderly Christian couple for yet more money, and effectively asking the court to disregard the Bulls’ sincerely held beliefs.

“For most people, this news will confirm their misgivings about using taxpayers’ money to drive Christianity to the sidelines.”

Watch a statement read by Mrs Bull (18 January 2011)

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