Christian Institute responds to foster carer court case

Much of the recent media coverage surrounding the Christian foster carer court case has been “wide of the mark”, Colin Hart the Director of The Christian Institute has warned.

Read a summary of his comments below, or click here to read the full statement.

Summary statement by Colin Hart

The media has reported the case of Mr and Mrs Johns, a Christian couple who faced difficulties in fostering children because of their views on homosexuality.

Much media reporting on this issue, and even some comments by Christians, have, in our view, been wide of the mark.

The impression has been given that the High Court has ruled that Christians who believe that homosexuality is morally wrong cannot foster children. This is not true. No such ruling has been made.

Christians are deeply concerned about the dramatic comments by the High Court judges in this case. It is no surprise that national newspapers are drawing attention to what has been said. Derby City Council seems to want a gay rights test to assess any potential foster parent. If so, this Council will be encouraged by the High Court, but thankfully other councils are free to take a different view.

Equality laws have closed down adoption agencies and are now being used against pillars of the community, such as Mr and Mrs Johns in this case and Mr and Mrs Bull, the Christian B&B owners from Cornwall.

The last government created a conflict of laws. It is for Parliament to unscramble this conflict. That is what we want to see.

Let us pray for those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Tim 2:1-4).

Let us also pray that those in authority will defend vulnerable children and give them the opportunity to be raised in a loving home.

Colin HartDirector