Christian groups set to launch bus campaigns

Three Christian groups will run ads on London buses proclaiming the existence of God in response to the recent atheist campaign.

In one campaign the Trinitarian Bible Society, a Christian charity, will run adverts on 100 London buses for two weeks from Monday.

The adverts will feature a quotation from Psalm 53 that reads: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.”

The £35,000 campaign will also include an offer of a free Bible.

From next week Revd George Hargreaves, the leader of The Christian Party, will run ads on 50 bendy buses proclaiming, “There definitely is a God. So join The Christian Party and enjoy your life.”

And in March a Russian TV producer backed by the Russian Orthodox Church will place adverts on 25 London buses with the slogan “There is a God, believe! Don’t Worry. Enjoy your life!”

Alexander Korobko, the head of the Russian Hour satellite TV channel, said: “We are living in a difficult time, when crisis is being extensively promoted, and people need some life-asserting message.”

The atheist bus ads, backed by the British Humanist Association and ardent atheist campaigner Professor Richard Dawkins, were placed on 800 buses earlier this year declaring “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”

The advert resulted in almost 150 complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority citing the advert as offensive.

A number of MPs also signalled their opposition to the atheist bus ads and encouraged Christian groups to launch a counter advertising campaign using the slogan, “But what if there is?”