Birmingham CU readmitted to students’ union after 7 years

The University of Birmingham Christian Union has been re-affiliated to the students’ union, seven years after it was expelled for refusing to have non-Christians in leadership.

In 2006, the group was ejected from the Guild of Students as it was in breach of the University’s equal opportunities policy.

The Christian Union had its bank accounts frozen, and was disallowed various privileges from being in the Guild such as free room hire.


But now it has been readmitted and can continue having a leadership team made up of students who are in sympathy and agreement with the Christian Union’s Basis of Faith.

The Christian Union’s president Cara Forster said they are “delighted” about the readmission.

She said: “We are thankful for the more recent favour towards the CU in the Guild leadership and their recognition that the CU has a positive contribution to make to the campus and to the Guild itself – this being evidenced, for example, through the holding of an English Club for international students”.


She added: “The CU is excited and praises God for this new opportunity to further the gospel on campus.”

The Christian Union is now allowed full and free access to room bookings, opportunities for financial grants, publicity for events and representation during freshers week.

Pod Bhogal, Head of Communications for the University and College Christian Fellowship (UCCF) said: “University is a market place of ideas and it’s thrilling to see that, after all these years, Christian students have a voice at the heart of the University of Birmingham once again.”