Lillian Ladele case hits the headlines

The story of Lillian Ladele, the Christian registrar who was bullied at work and threatened with the sack because of her beliefs about civil partnerships, has been covered widely in the national press.

Below is a selection.

Television coverage

BBC News report: “Registrar wins same-sex tribunal”

Channel 4 News report: “Christian registrar wins right to refuse gay civil partnerships”

Newspaper coverage

Daily Mail comment: “A Victory for Britain’s quiet majority”

Daily Mail article: “Victory for Christian registrar bullied for refusing to perform ‘sinful’ gay weddings”

The Daily Telegraph article: “Christian registrar who refused to conduct gay weddings wins case”

The Independent article: “Registrar wins right to refuse gay weddings”

The Times article: “Victory for Christian registrar who refused to carry out gay ‘weddings'”

The Metro article: “Christian registrar ‘right’ to refuse gay marriages”

Islington Gazette article: “Registrar wins legal battle after refusing to conduct gay marriages”

The Daily Mirror article: “Tribunal rules in favour of Christian registrar who refused to perform same-sex civil partnerships”

Financial Times article: “Registrar wins gay ceremony case”