‘Victory for ordinary families’
Simon Calvert, Deputy Director for The Christian Institute, speaks outside the Supreme Court following the senior judges’ unanimous ruling that the Named Person scheme is illegal.
Mr Calvert explains how the plans were ‘unwanted, unworkable and undemocratic’.
‘Great win for families across Scotland’
Simon Calvert, Deputy Director for The Christian Institute, dismisses the Scottish Government’s claim that it has won the Named Person case.
Mr Calvert explains that the Supreme Court’s ruling on our judicial review of the Named Person scheme is a victory for ordinary families across Scotland.
Named Person scheme is “defective”, top judges say
Simon Calvert, Deputy Director for The Christian Institute, says that the Supreme Court has recognised concerns about data sharing in the Named Person proposals.
Any new legislation on the issue will “look very different” from the old legislation, he added.
‘Needless and intrusive scheme declared illegal’
James McIntosh, a parent involved in the legal action against the Named Person scheme, speaks outside the Supreme Court after judges rule the proposals are unlawful.